Friday, November 18, 2011

Formation of Planets

Hey Everyone,

I was reading some of the material in the book and came up on the formation of planets. This caught my eye because I have never heard of some of the theories given. The one that I became really interested in was the solar nebula theory. It is a branch of the evolutionary theory because it states that the Earth was formed from the by-product of the formation of the sun. The Earth formed from the nebula around the proto-sun, which is a result of the formation of the sun. So my question for you all is, which section during this semester did you find the most interesting?

1 comment:

  1. My favorite section of the course was learning about the life and death of low and high mass stars. Prior to this class I thought that stars lived on forever, it was interesting to learn that there are high mass stars that burn up their fuel and end up exploding into supernove.

    Samirah Bey
