Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tractor Beam

Tractor beams are used to trap and move objects using laser light. Recently NASA has funded $100,000 to a team of scientists, Barry Coyle, Paul Stysley, and Demetrios Poulios, to find a way to remotely capture particles in the space and send it to a spacecraft for analysis. The purpose of the idea was to use tractor beams to clean up the orbital debris, but according to the scientists it is impossible to do that at this time. So they decided to use the same idea to collect sample particles for analysis. This idea would reduce the cost of collecting samples, increase the amount of samples collected at one time, and reduce mission risk according to the team. There are three techniques selected by the team of scientists but the one which will work is not decided yet. Please read the following article and the three methods in the bottom and tell me which one do you think is most effective and most likely to work. Feel free to ask any questions about the methods.   

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